Курсы кайтсерфинга

Kitesurfing Course Dahab

Dahab Dream Kite is a kitesurfing school in Dahab, Egypt, that offers courses and certifications for all levels of kitesurfing ability.

Our courses range from beginner to advanced and include everything from basic safety and kite control to advanced tricks and techniques.

We also offer private lessons for those who want to focus on specific areas of their kitesurfing.

Dahab Dream Kite is an IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) affiliated school, which means we adhere to IKO standards for teaching kitesurfing.

Our students receive internationally recognised certifications upon successful completion of our courses.

Here is a quick overview of the courses and certifications offered at Dahab Dream Kite.

Discovery Kiteboarder Level 1

The IKO Discovery Kiteboarder Level 1 course is the starting point for those who are new to kiteboarding and want to learn the fundamentals of the sport.

In this course, you will learn basic kite control skills, safety procedures, and essential knowledge about kiteboarding equipment.

You will also learn how to launch and land the kite safely, control the power and depower.

The course will focus on building a solid foundation of kite control skills and safety awareness to ensure a safe and enjoyable kiteboarding experience.

Upon completing the course, you will receive IKO Discovery Kiteboarder Level 1 certification, indicating that you have gained the basic skills and knowledge necessary to start your kiteboarding journey with a strong foundation.

Skills covered in this course:

SEA (Spot, Environment, Activity) assessment. Hold, carry, and secure a kite on land. Kite setup.

Safety systems use, Pre-flight check, Launch and land as an assistant.

First piloting and explore the wind window’s edge, Let go of the bar, Twist and untwist the lines.

Fly one-handed, Trim introduction, Walk while flying the kite, Launch and land as a pilot, Wind window theory.

Inflight quick release activation, Self-land, Equipment packing.

Flying Kite One Handed

Intermediate Kiteboarder Level 2

The IKO Intermediate Kiteboarder Level 2 course is designed for those who have already completed the IKO Discovery Kiteboarder Level 1 course and have basic kite control skills.

In this course, you will learn advanced kite control techniques, refine your board control skills.

You will also begin to learn Body-drags, Self-rescue and pack-down introduction.

The course will cover safety procedures, such as ROW (Right Of Way) rules introduction.

Upon completion of the course, you will receive IKO Intermediate Kiteboarder Level 2 certification, indicating that you have achieved a solid level of proficiency in kiteboarding and are well on your way to becoming an independent kiteboarder.

Learning Body Dragging

Skills covered in this course:

Enter and exit the water while controlling the kite, Water relaunch.

Body-drag with two hands, kite stable. Body drag with a power stroke.

Body-drag upwind, Body-drag with the board, Self-rescue and pack-down introduction. ROW (Right Of Way) rules introduction.

Steady-pull, Waterstart, Controlled stop.

Independent Kiteboarder Level 3

This program is designed for kiteboarders who have already achieved IKO Intermediate Kiteboarder Level 2 certification and are ready to take their skills to the next level of independence.

At this level, you will develop the skills and knowledge needed to kiteboard independently, without the need for an instructor or supervisor.

You will learn to assess weather and wind conditions, select appropriate kiteboarding equipment, and perform a full equipment check before launching.

You will also focus on refining your kite control skills, including power control, depower control, and kite relaunching.

In addition, you will learn advanced board control skills, such as riding upwind consistently in various wind and water conditions, transitioning, and performing basic jumps.

Safety is also a key component of this level, and you will learn advanced safety procedures, including self-rescue techniques and emergency response protocols.

Kitesurfing Courses Kitesurfer Jumping

Skills covered in this course:

Control of speed by edging.

Ride upwind.

Sliding transition.

Ride toeside, Jibe.

Self-launch, Self-rescue and pack down in deep water.

Advanced Kiteboarder Level 4

This course will help you develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become a confident and proficient kiteboarder at an advanced level.

Throughout this course, you will focus on improving your kite control, board control, and riding skills, allowing you to ride upwind consistently in various wind and water conditions.

You will also learn how to perform basic jumps, rotations, and grabs, adding a new level of excitement and style to your kiteboarding repertoire.

In addition, you will develop a solid understanding of safety procedures, allowing you to navigate the water and assist other kiteboarders in need confidently.

Advanced Kitesurfers Blue Lagoon

Skills covered in this course:

Basic jump.

Power jibe.

Jump with a grab.

Jump transition.

Rider recovery.

Board recovery.

International kiteboarding signs.

ROW (Right Of Way) rules.

Equipment, Weather and tides.


Evolution Freeride Kiteboarder Level 5

As an Evolution Freeride Kiteboarder Level 5, you will master kiteboarding skills that only a select few in the world can claim.

You can demonstrate an exceptional understanding of wind and water conditions, advanced board control, and a wide range of complex freeride manoeuvres.

You can confidently execute advanced jumps, rotations, and grabs, as well as unhooked riding and powered tricks.

Your kite control skills are advanced, including power and depower, kite looping, and kite stall recovery, allowing you to respond quickly and safely to changing conditions on the water.

As a Level 5 kiteboarder, you become part of an elite group of kiteboarders who have achieved the highest level of proficiency in the sport and are equipped to push the boundaries of what is possible in freeride kiteboarding.

Advanced Kitesurfing Skills

Skills covered in this course:

  1. Hop to toeside
  2. Hop from toeside to heelside
  3. Hop to blind
  4. Ride blind
  5. Jump transition
  6. Jump transition with grab
  7. Jump transition to toeside
  8. Backroll
  9. Backroll transition
  10. Long distance downwinder
  11. Various grabs
  12. Inverted jump
  13. Pop (no kite movement)
  14. Dark slide
  15. Downloop (no jump)
  16. Downloop jibe
  17. Kiteloop (no jump)

Private Kitesurfing Lessons

Private Kitesurfing Lessons

Private kitesurfing lessons are individualized training sessions that cater to your specific needs and skill level.

They are conducted by a certified kitesurfing instructor who will work with you one-on-one to teach you the necessary skills to become a competent and safe kitesurfer.

During a private kitesurfing lesson, the instructor will assess your current abilities and determine the best approach to take to help you improve your skills.

They will provide you with personalized instruction, feedback, tips, and techniques to help you progress quickly.

Private kitesurfing lessons can be particularly beneficial if you are new to the sport or if you are struggling with a particular skill or technique.

They can also be a good option if you are looking for a more individualized and tailored approach to learning kitesurfing.

Accommodation In Dahab

We can arrange your accommodation during your stay in Dahab and at the Blue Lagoon Kitesurfing Location.

We have partnered with the very best of Dahab, offering simple, clean rooms at great prices.

We urge you to check them out, as finding a better, simple accommodation and service solution in Dahab may be challenging at these prices.

Please see Accommodation in Dahab for more information.

Воздушный змей мечты в Дахабе

Overall, Dahab Dream Kite offers a comprehensive range of courses and certifications for kitesurfers of all levels.

If you are a complete novice or an experienced rider looking to improve your skills, we have something to offer you.

The Dahab Dream Kite Team Look Forward To Meeting You.

If you need help

+20 109 1553687